Jumat, 18 November 2011

Types of Electric Car Batteries

Electric cars are not new ideas. In fact, they enjoyed a brief popularity in the mid-19 and 20 century, when cars were only used to run a short distance and burning in its infancy. However, the advanced gasoline engines, and people realized that the cars run by gasoline could go longer distances than electric cars that run, they lost popularity and faded from the picture.

is now required for a more environmentally friendly vehicles has forced car manufacturers to look again at them. For the past ten years the electric battery designers and manufacturers have worked to create an electric car battery that could run the car's electrical system and be the sole source of fuel. Here are the types that are in use today:

Deep Cell Lead Acid Batteries

lead acid batteries are the oldest type of battery in use today. It is only natural, considering their many uses that these batteries will be the first choice to be used for electric vehicles. Deep cell lead-acid battery can power an electric car, and you can drive 80 miles before needing to recharge. While 80 miles of travel on one charge May not seem like much, when you consider that the batteries in the 19 century, cars were good for maybe 12-20 miles under most conditions, then you can see how far they had come.

lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion battery electric vehicles are coming into their own. These batteries are able to go 220 miles, or about the same distance as the average fill up of gasoline on a single charge making them a favorite among electric car manufacturers. These batteries have made it possible for people to own electric car for driving short distances, which is good for the environment. Moreover, some of these batteries recharge in just three hours.

wave of the future

, however, battery designers and manufacturers have not stopped there, they decided that these types of cars affordable and functional for the masses as soon as possible. They are still working on lithium-ion batteries to make them stronger and weigh less, and also works to shorten the time needed to charge to charge it and get on the road. This makes it possible for batteries to power the car for long distance driving, and only need periodic charging that it will not last much longer than filling gasoline in today's cars.

Close to a breakthrough in the reduction of charging time, an electric car and battery manufacturers are working with a traditional gas stations, hotels and even the setting up charging stations that will allow you to stop and recharge them just as you would fill your petrol the tank.

For now, those who use these cars for short distance driving charge at home and look forward to the day when they can take their first move boosted its electric car batteries.

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