Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Car Crash Physics

As much as we'd like for it not to be true, the fact remains that accidents are an inevitable part of everyday života.Više dependent on machines, the more the chances of accidents. Cars that can go on seemingly unnatural speeds increase the chances of accidents. It is believed that since the invention of motor vehicles, about 20 million people died due to accidents caused by them.

Since the occurrence of car accidents began to grow, the need to analyze and mitigate the consequences of an accident on the human body all felt. This is where a car crash physics comes into the picture.

car crash physics is the science or method of studying decline in auto controlled materije.Svrha is that it serves to obtain information to enable automakers to build cars that are safer for travel and provide maximum protection in case of driver nezgode.Ideja to study as the impact of the collision the car is transmitted to the passengers involved and how it can be reduced so that their lives may be saved.

car crash physics so much relies on the test dummy. Terms of different car crashes are mapped to produce sufficient credible test results of physics involved in a traffic accident. It has helped scientists understand the impact of the car and face the human body during a crash.

car crash physics that has resulted in building a more secure for people and vehicles to reduce the impact of the accident.

from the beginning as an experimental science to become a highly sophisticated science, physics, collision car has evolved and has come a long way. These days much of a car crash physics are done on a computer, where the laws of physics are accurately represented, allowing scientists to study collisions and their impact in detail. She still has a long way, but every day something new was invented, which helps in a traffic accident investigators to spend more useful studies.

car crash physics in this way has helped save thousands of lives every year, contributing to the design of safer vehicles.

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