Jumat, 18 November 2011

How To Build an Electric Car - A Basic Overview

Iako postoji više električni automobil nego što je navedeno u ovom članku, to je još uvijek lako postići sa jednostavnim plave print, poznavanje električne struje i ožičenje i dijelovi da ga svi zajedno.


Iako postoji više električni automobil nego što je navedeno u ovom članku, to je još uvijek lako postići sa jednostavnim plave print, poznavanje električne struje i ožičenje i dijelovi da ga svi zajedno.


Iako postoji više električni automobil nego što je navedeno u ovom članku, to je još uvijek lako postići sa jednostavnim plave print, poznavanje električne struje i ožičenje i dijelovi da ga svi zajedno.


But why bother with an electric car? This is because electric cars offer a unique driving experience, with excellent handling, and fast initial acceleration thanks to the low center of gravity. With almost continuous torque even at lower speeds, making it easy to climb curbs, steep and sharp curves. In addition, the cost of conventional fuel increases on a regular basis, using electrically charged cars makes it an ideal choice.


Creating a basic electric car is a fascinating and easily. Given that electric cars are very simple in overall construction, they can even be built by any tko.Glavne components are simple box, the main wheels, electric motor, battery, and power on and off switch. You can build a simple electric car for about two weeks!

Although there are more electric cars than reported in this article, it is still easy to achieve with a simple blue print, knowledge of electricity and wiring and parts to put it all together.

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