Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Car Auctions in Japan: An Overview for Car Importers

importers of cars know that the car auctions in Japan are a good place to find low mileage, high quality used cars low prices. My goal in this article is to help you understand these auto auctions in Japan better, so you can make good, informed decisions about whether to buy from them or not, and how the whole process works.

Why consider buying from Japanese car auctions?

This is a good place to start. Anyway, right now where you sit reading this article probably thousands of miles away from Japan. So why would you want to import a car from a country so far?

There are two excellent reasons to consider buying used cars from auto auctions in Japan.

First of all, the choice is huge and you can see all the cars remotely through the Internet. Auto auctions are usually outside of Japan may have hundreds of used vehicles, but only the smallest auction in Japan to such a miserable choice.

In view of some auction sites, usually about more than 1000 vehicles in place, and sometimes more than 10,000 vehicles (in the case of the USS Tokyo) all in one place and there will be auctioned weekly. Put all these cars started together on the Internet, and over 30,000 in one day really is not at all unusual.

Therefore, there is a great choice of width. But that's not all. There is a great depth kvalitete.Činjenica is that the Japanese just do not drive as much as people in other zemljama.Izvrstan public transport system and high levels of neighborhood walkability, the simple fact that the city driving speeds in Japan are incredibly low, and all work together to help people from using their cars so much.

then on top of this Japanese are fastidious in caring for their vehicles, yet it does not take long before the car looks old for them and want a new one.

So, the cars are low mileage and well maintained are a dime a dozen. But the irony is that the Japanese are not really alone in secondhand items, so they really do not want these used vehicles for themselves.

you can see where it goes: The car auctions in Japan have a large selection of great condition, low kilometers cars, but Japanese people are really not that interested in buying them, so that prices are relatively low and there is more opportunity for customers outside Japan to compete.

car auction group in Japan and places

In Japan, some auctions are rare. They are usually part of a larger group of auction. Here are just some of the more prominent groups:

  • USS
  • TAA (Toyota)
  • Honda
  • JU
  • JAA
  • CAA

USS Tokyo is the largest independent used car auction site in Japan. This car runs an auction once a week on Thursdays, and the peak season can have up to 20,000 vehicles, all with the aim of the auction for one day.

An auction group that has no more auction sites (ie Kaija in Japanese) is Aucnet, which have their ends on Monday. Their model is a little different in that they do not have a physical auction house where all the cars are collected.

Instead, they send inspectors into the car dealers who then keep their cars on their lots until they sell. Since these traders are still hoping to sell the regular retail price to consumers, their reserve price at auction is often a bit high compared with what a similar car can be retrieved on a regular auction.

How can you access the auto auctions in Japan?

So far so good. But wait a minute: How on earth will be able to get the car in a used car auction way back in Japan? You do not know anyone there. You do not speak Japanese. Even if you could buy a car, how would it ship?

you need a Japanese car exporter who will help you with this.

car exporters in Japan are set up to handle the process of bidding on Japanese auto auctions, car transport ends of the port, and transport paperwork for the car over you.

There are many used car exporters car shipments from Japan, so it then raises the question of how to find your own good. After all, we are not talking about trivial sums here, so it's important to find one that will do a good job for you.

Here are some things to look for:

  • How many auctions you can buy from, and you can access them all from one place online?
  • Can you handle the native English speaker who also speaks fluent Japanese? (Nothing is more stressful than trying to overcome the language barrier.)
  • Does it offer professional translations of the Exporter of the inspector reports the car started and help you really understand the condition of the car at auction?
  • Whether an exporter in Japan have good communication skills, and keeping in the loop about what is happening with your car so do not worry?
  • Whether an exporter to work hard to make their cars to get to you from a car auction in Japan as quickly as possible?

Who will bid for you at these car auctions in Japan?

In order to buy from a car auction in Japan, the first thing you need to be a member of the auction.

This usually means that a registered business in Japan, and that property as collateral and a guarantor. This prevents regular consumers access these car auctions directly, so they tend to be where the Japanese car dealers and car Japanese exporters to buy at wholesale prices.

of Japanese car exporters are usually registered Japanese companies and therefore have access to car auctions in Japan.

Japanese car auction vehicle inspection

car auctions in Japan have strict inspection regime. It is obvious that the quality of review may vary slightly between the auction houses because they are independent companies, but generally the grading system used is very similar and easy to understand.

as cars and other vehicles are registered for the auction next week, after which they were examined by inspectors who are qualified mechanics.

Now, it is important to note that these reviews are very thorough, but they do not include any dismantling of vehicles, nor does it include a test drive. They will often pick up mechanical problems very well, although the problems that would only come to light if the vehicle is driven on a little more than a kind of speed you would expect in the parking lot can be missed. This is not the fault of inspectors, inspections only restriction that does not include a road test.

Inspector writes his report on the auction list. It gives the car an overall assessment and evaluation of internal quality. He also writes the details of the issues is found. Some comments written in Japanese, then issues such as scratches and dents that are related to the car exterior condition, according to a map of "car" - a diagram with the outside of the car


Remember you should not just rely on the overall assessment when buying from Japanese car auctions. Good car exporter must provide detailed translations and help you to understand what the Japanese car auction inspector wrote in his report

How to bid a job in these car auctions in Japan?

As we noted above, only members of these car auctions can actually offer. They do this in two ways: Either at the auction site ( Kaija ) itself, or via the Internet from anywhere


computer system offers the same whether the bids at the auction house on one of their machines, or remotely via the Internet.

offer very soon. Generally, the car will be sold at anything 10-45 seconds or process tako.Stvarni May look just pressing a button in the video game, but the real art of this right to avoid paying too much for a car - or just have it get away holding back too much

Sometimes the cars will fail to meet its reserve price and the offer is stopped. It is then possible to offer to the seller under the auspices of the car auction. Fewer cars sold in the negotiations as it is, but are sold in a live ponude.Dobro Japanese car exporter will carry live bid process and negotiation seamlessly to get the best deals for their customers.

What happens after the has a car at auction?

Once the car is purchased at an auction of Japanese cars, the first thing that happens is that the car carrier is moved to the port. Once in port, a car waiting to be loaded onto a RORO ship or waiting to be loaded into the container.

while in transit from a car auction, car exporter will immediately start looking for a book on the earliest ship, as well as doing the paperwork to sign off the car and go through customs on the side of Japan.

Once on the boat, the car will be anything from several days to more than a month to get to their destination. This is largely dependent on the distance from the destination country from Japan.

car exporter will send the buyer to bills of lading, invoices, de-registration document and any other documents that the buyer is required to import a car into his or her country. These import regulations vary from country to country so it is important to check them out before buying anything.


car auctions in Japan can be a good place for auto dealers and car importers around the world to find really good quality used cars at lower prices than you would expect to be able to find at the local level. The huge number of used cars in Japanese car auctions, which can be viewed online is another big plus.

the key to success is to find a top exporter of Japanese cars that are able to communicate well, and steer you safely through the process of buying cars from auctions in Japan.

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